Kallithea inn

@Platres, Limassol

“The nightingales won鈥檛 let you sleep in Platres” – Giorgos Seferis,1955

About Us

Newly renovated hotel managed by two young entrepreneurs which lived and grow up at Platres.

" Kallithea INN "

The hotel was named by the Greek name Kallithea which is means “beautiful view”.

The hotel was built in the early 1915s classic elegance, in the center of Platres village, it now (2022) features, after a recent renovation, a sophisticated interior design, combining traditional hospitality and welcoming environment, guaranteed please every guest.

The interior of the hotel has been redesigned. Kallithea Inn has 9 bedrooms are arranged in such a way as allow internal private facilities. Great attention was given on the creation of a modern atmosphere with traditional Cypriot-Style elements.

The discreet, elegant and simple decoration of the hotel offers the ultimate style and comfort. The delicate combination of the soft pastel color rich textiles contributes to a modern, yet relaxing atmosphere.

At dusk, during spring and early summer, the beautiful multi-level Terrance, the echo in the melodic song of the nightingales in Platres as the night falls, the elegant lighting on the Terrance and the absolute tranquility enhanced by the surrounded imposing towering pines creates a magical environment for unique moments and special memories!


Living Room


In-Door Restaurant

Out-Door Restaurant


Free parking

Daily Housekeeping

Free Wi-Fi






Dinner - Lunch


Living Room


Choice Of Rooms
All Rooms Include - Central Heating, Hairdryer, Shaver socket, Smart Flat Screen TV, Air-Conditioner

Deluxe Double

for 2 persons


up to 4 persons

Special Request

Amazing place, cozy, warm, friendly and helpful !! loved it! P.S. the best pumpkin soup ever 馃槈 5* !!
谞讜注讛 讬爪讞拽
谞讜注讛 讬爪讞拽
诪诇讜谉 诪砖驻讞转讬 诪转讜拽, 砖讬专讜转 讗讚讬讘. 诪讬拽讜诐 诪注讜诇讛 讘讬爪讬讗讛 诇讟讬讜诇讬诐 讘砖诪讜专讜转 讘讗讬讝讜专
Ruth Livny
Ruth Livny
诪拽讜诐 诪拽住讬诐, 诪砖驻讞转讬 讜谞注讬诐. 诪诪讜拽诐 讘注讬讬专讛 诪讬讜讞讚转 注诐 拽讬专讘讛 诇讛专讘讛 诪住诇讜诇讬 讟讬讜诇, 诪住注讚讜转 讜讬拽讘讬诐 讘住讘讬讘讛. 住讟驻谞讜 讜讗讘讬讜 注讜讝专讬诐 讘讟讬驻讬诐 砖诇 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐 讜讛诪诇爪讜转 砖讜讜转.
注讜诪专 诇讜讬
注讜诪专 诇讜讬
Our experience at the hotel was great! Nice clean rooms and nice breakfast. We asked for soup at the evening and they made it specially for us. Stefano was very helpful and welcoming.
Arnold Bosma
Arnold Bosma
Super gastvrij. En geweldige service. Traditionele gerechten werden voor ons gekookt. We komen een keer terug met de kinderen en kleinkinderen.
Alessandro D'Alessandro
Alessandro D'Alessandro
Personale gentilissimo. Un po' troppa luce nella stanza al mattino ma letto molto confortevole. Cena squisita ma colazione un po' misera.
Demetris Maniotis
Demetris Maniotis
螜未伪谓喂魏蠈 渭苇蟻慰蟼 纬喂伪 尉蔚魏慰蠉蟻伪蟽畏 魏伪喂 蠂伪位维蟻蠅蟽畏. 螠伪蟼 蠀蟺慰未苇蠂蟿畏魏蔚 慰 危蟿苇蠁伪谓慰蟼 苇谓伪蟼 伪蟺蠈 蟿慰蠀蟼 喂未喂慰魏蟿萎蟿蔚蟼 慰 慰蟺慰委慰蟼 萎蟿伪谓 蠁喂位蠈尉蔚谓慰蟼 魏伪喂 蔚尉蠀蟺畏蟻蔚蟿喂魏蠈蟼 蠈蟺蠅蟼 蔚蟺委蟽畏蟼 魏伪喂 慰 蟺伪蟿苇蟻伪蟼 蟿慰蠀 慰 慰蟺慰委慰蟼 蔚委谓伪喂 慰 危蔚蠁 蟿慰蠀 尉蔚谓慰未慰蠂蔚委慰蠀. 螁谓蔚蟿伪 未蠅渭维蟿喂伪 ,魏伪胃伪蟻维 魏伪喂 魏伪位蠈 蠁伪纬畏蟿蠈 魏伪喂 蟺蟻蠈纬蔚蠀渭伪. 危蠀蟽蟿萎谓蠅 伪谓蔚蟺喂蠁蠉位伪魏蟿伪.
专讜谉 诇讚讜讘住拽讬
专讜谉 诇讚讜讘住拽讬
讞讚专讬诐 诪专讜讜讞讬诐 讜砖讬专讜转 谞讚讬专 讘讝诪讬谞讜转讜 讜讞讘讬讘讜转讜. 讗驻讬诇讜 拽讬讘诇谞讜 讻诪讞讜讜讛 讘拽讘讜拽 讬讬谉 (砖谞砖讻讞 讘诇讜讘讬).
Ziv Even Tsur
Ziv Even Tsur
诪诇讜谉 诪砖驻讞转讬 谞注讬诐 讜谞拽讬. 砖讬专讜转 诪讻诇 讛诇讘. 讞讚专讬诐 诪专讜讜讞讬诐 注诐 诪专驻住讜转 谞注讬诪讜转. 拽专讜讘 诪讗讜讚 诇诪住诇讜诇讬 讟讬讜诇讬诐. 讗专讜讞转 注专讘 讟讜讘讛. 诪讜诪诇抓 讘讞讜诐